//////// チャンピオンの名前 ////////

//////// チャンピオンの画像、性能指標(公式サイトより) ////////
: 攻撃力 | &rcs(attack);
: 防御力 | &rcs(defense);
: 魔力 | &rcs(magic);
: 難易度 | &rcs(difficulty);

//////// チャンピオンの情報 ////////
|~ ロール | &rcs(role); |~ 実装日 | 2016/12/13 |
|~ 価格 | 4800 &be; | 880 &rp; |~ 最終更新 | v14.7 |

//////// チャンピオンのステータス詳細 ////////
//////// 公式サイトのデータは Lv0時の値 (+増加分) なので注意 ////////
|~ ステータス |~ Lv.1 |~ ... |~ Lv.18 |
|~ 体力 | &rcs(hp1Lv); | '''&rcs(hpPerLevel);''' | &rcs(hp18Lv); |
|~ マナ | &rcs(mp1Lv); | '''&rcs(mpPerLevel);''' | &rcs(mp18Lv); |
|~ 物理防御 | &rcs(armor1Lv); | '''&rcs(armorPerLevel);''' | &rcs(armor18Lv); |
|~ 魔法防御 | &rcs(spellblock1Lv); | '''&rcs(spellblockPerLevel);''' | &rcs(spellblock18Lv); |
|~ 移動速度 |>|>| &rcs(movespeed); |

|~ ステータス |~ Lv.1 |~ ... |~ Lv.18 |
|~ 体力自動回復 | &rcs(hpregen1Lv); | '''&rcs(hpregenPerLevel);''' | &rcs(hpregen18Lv); |
|~ マナ自動回復 | &rcs(mpregen1Lv); | '''&rcs(mpregenPerLevel);''' | &rcs(mpregen18Lv); |
|~ 攻撃力 | &rcs(attackdamage1Lv); | '''&rcs(attackdamagePerLevel);''' | &rcs(attackdamage18Lv); |
|~ 攻撃速度 | 0.644 | '''&rcs(attackspeedPerLevel);%''' | 0.918 |
|~ 間合い |>|>| &rcs(attackrange); |

|~ スキル名 |~ 効果 |

* 目次 [#index]
最終更新日時: &lastmod;

* Champion Spotlight [#spot]
//---------- 日本語 ----------

//---------- 英語 ----------

* 考察 [#introduction]



**チャンピオン相性 [#qadebb29]
'''有利(Strong Against)'''

'''不利(Weak Against)'''
※LoLalytics 12.20-13.1 Deltaより

** スキル紹介 [#abilities]

** セリフ [#quotes]
//---------- 日本語 ----------







''"Pay attention!"''
''"Watch where you're going!"''
''"Mind your surroundings."''

敵 を攻撃時


''"The yoke of mankind looks good on you."''


''"I am not one of your blunt-object enforcers."''

敵 を攻撃時










































''"Pattern breeds weakness."''






''"The yolk of mankind looks good on you."''




''"I despise middle-men."''
''"You are too late."''

First Blood獲得時
''"That wasn't so difficult!"''
''"Is that fear I detect?"''

味方がFirst Bloodを獲得した時
''"Whittle them down!"''

敵がFirst Bloodを獲得した時
''"Now you're just being... vulgar."''


''"This is what problem solving looks like!"''








敵&c_darius;Dunkmaster Dariusをキル時
''"Should have brought your 'A' Game."''

敵 をキル時









敵&c_janna;Forecast Jannaをキル時











''"Bandle scout rule number one: be better."''




''"All the class and manners I expect from a Zaunite."''











&ref(./Camille_Precision_Protocol_(Q).png,32x32);Q:プレシジョンプロトコル 使用時

&ref(./Camille_Tactical_Sweep_(W).png,32x32);W:タクティカルスイープ 使用時

&ref(./Camille_Hookshot_(E).png,32x32);E:フックショット 使用時

&ref(./Camille_The_Hextech_Ultimatum_(R).png,32x32);R:ヘクステック・アルティメイタム 使用時


''"Cowardice is worst than laziness."''

&ref(./Camille_Adaptive_Defenses_(P).png,32x32);P:アダプティブディフェンス でダメージを吸収した時



&i_healthpotion;体力ポーション 使用時

&i_bladeoftheruinedking;ルインドキングブレード 使用時
''"You are strong, but I am stronger."''

&i_mercurialscimitar;マーキュリアルシミター 使用時

&i_randuinsomen;ランデュインオーメン 使用時
''"Meekness was never a virtue of mine!"''

&i_ravenoushydra;ラヴィナスハイドラ 使用時
''"You are in my way."''

&i_titanichydra;タイタンハイドラ 使用時

&i_youmuusghostblade;妖夢の霊剣 使用時

&i_bansheesveil;バンシーヴェール 発動時
''"Try harder!"''

&i_duskbladeofdraktharr;ドラクサーダスクブレード 発動時
''"You can run, but it won't help!"''

&i_steraksgage;ステラックの篭手 発動時



''"Wait long enough and the cracks always show!"''




//---------- 英語 ----------
'''Upon Selection for Pick'''
''"Precision is the difference between a butcher and a surgeon."''

'''Upon Selection for Ban'''
''"I will wait for you to be better."''

'''Upon Starting a Game in Howling Abyss'''
''"I HATE SNOW."''

'''Upon Starting a Game in Twisted Treeline'''
''"An island of ruination. Heh, how glamorous."''

''"I know what I am. Do you?"''
''"Purity of form, purity of function."''
''"Hostility works if courtesy fails."''
''"Progress trumps suffering."''
''"Ego brings everyone to their knees."''
''"Progress should never be kept waiting."''
''"I remain human - for the most part."''
''"I go where the work leads."''
''"Second-guess yourself. You will still be wrong."''
''"You lack strategic foresight."''

''"Know your place!"''
''"Seek my attention at your peril."''
''"Your limitations will be your downfall."''
''"My motives are not your concern."''
''"Don't worry. I'm not finished yet."''
''"Your downfall has already been calculated."''
''"Don't engage if you don't seek to win."''
''"Your feeble efforts are... disappointing."''
''"Excellence is a trait you lack."''
''"Who are you to try and stop me?"''
''"I will make you an irrelevant detail!"''

'''An Enemy From Fog Of War'''
''"Pay attention!"''
''"Watch where you're going!"''
''"Mind your surroundings."''

'''An Enemy &c_annie;Annie From Fog Of War'''
''"Oh I'm not playing with you''"

'''An Enemy &c_urelionsol;Aurelion Sol From Fog Of War'''
''"The yoke of mankind looks good on you."''

'''An Enemy &c_blitzcrank;Blitzcrank From Fog Of War'''
''"Oh my... can someone put a sheet over this hat rack?"''

'''An Enemy &c_caitlyn;Caitlyn From Fog Of War'''
''"The law protects when it is protected."''
''"Less hat, more plans."''
''"Did Daddy buy you that gun?"''
''"I am not one of your blunt-object enforcers."''

'''An Enemy &c_darius;Darius From Fog Of War'''
''"How very.... Noxian of you."''

'''An Enemy &c_drmundo;Dr. Mundo From Fog Of War'''
''"You are behaving like an imbecile!"''

'''An Enemy &c_ekko;Ekko From Fog Of War'''
''"Child, I have considered every outcome. Plan accordingly."''
''"You are not thinking far enough ahead."''

'''An Enemy &c_ezreal;Ezreal From Fog Of War'''
''"Shush now! Leave the talking to the adults''"

'''An Enemy &c_fiora;Fiora From Fog Of War'''
''"You might be decent practice."''

'''An Enemy &c_gangplank;Gangplank From Fog Of War'''
''"It would have been better for you to stay dead."''

'''An Enemy &c_heimerdinger;Heimerdinger From Fog Of War'''
''"Do you have a formula for being better?"''

'''An Enemy &c_illaoi;Illaoi From Fog Of War'''
''"I suppose I must teach you a lesson''"

'''An Enemy &c_irelia;Irelia From Fog Of War'''
''"My blades are sharper!"''

'''An Enemy &c_janna;Janna From Fog Of War'''
''"I've seen bigger tempests in my tea cup."''

'''An Enemy &c_jayce;Jayce From Fog Of War'''
''"Heroes make such nice targets!"''

'''An Enemy &c_jhin;Jhin From Fog Of War'''
''"So much time wasted on presentation."''

'''An Enemy &c_jinx;Jinx From Fog Of War'''
''"Your antics have become a liability."''

'''An Enemy &c_kled;Kled From Fog Of War'''
''"You know... I don't even believe in you."''

'''An Enemy &c_lux;Lux From Fog Of War'''
''"Your mistakes illuminate your naivety."''

'''An Enemy &c_maokai;Maokai From Fog Of War'''
''"Mediocrity is the root of all evil."''

'''An Enemy &c_orianna;Orianna From Fog Of War'''
''"Who let you out of your toy box!?"''
''"Time to cut your strings, little puppet."''

'''An Enemy &c_poppy;Poppy From Fog Of War'''
''"Altruism is so insipid."''

'''An Enemy &c_riven;Riven From Fog Of War'''
''"Run along, girl, and mind your elders."''

'''An Enemy &c_singed;Singed From Fog Of War'''
''"How about a taste of your own medicine?"''

'''An Enemy &c_twitch;Twitch From Fog Of War'''
''"Exterminating you would be a pleasure."''

'''An Enemy &c_vi;Vi From Fog Of War'''
''"Watch it, girl. I am your future!"''

'''An Enemy &c_viktor;Viktor From Fog Of War'''
''"Tell me. Hmph; Is it the third arm that makes you extra-glorious?"''
''"Your revolution has ceased to be useful."''
''"You have become an obstacle to progress. Time to remove you."''

'''An Enemy &c_volibear;Volibear From Fog Of War'''
''"You would look better as a rug in my foyer."''

'''An Enemy &c_warwick;Warwick From Fog Of War'''
''"I am the one who keeps the wolves at bay."''
''"We are all monsters. Now, you are just one on the outside."''
''"Didn't your master teach you to heel?"''
''"Shouldn't you be on a leash?"''

'''An Enemy &c_yasuo;Yasuo From Fog Of War'''
''"You are quick, but I am quicker!"''

'''An Enemy &c_yorick;Yorick From Fog Of War'''
''"Think ahead, or start digging your grave."''

'''An Enemy &c_zac;Zac From Fog Of War'''
''"I am a weapon.You're some sort of... pudding."''

'''An Enemy &c_ziggs;Ziggs From Fog Of War'''
''"All flash and no substance."''

'''An Enemy &c_zilean;Zilean From Fog Of War'''
''"Oh look, it's the worst of times."''

'''Upon Killing an Enemy Champion'''
''"You could at least be civilized about dying..."''
''"I said good day!"''
''"Don't take it personally, you were simply outclassed."''
''"You are inconsequential, don't fuss so!"''
''"Industry always triumphs."''
''"Target eliminated."''
''"Problem solved."''
''"Ugh, at least die with some dignity!"''
''"This is what a professional looks like."''
''"Think you deserve better? You don't."''
''"Ugh, today just got terribly bad for you!"''
''"You are already forgotten!"''
''"Bloodshed and the upper class have always gone hand in hand."''

'''Killing the Same Enemy Twice in a Row'''
''"Your strategy lacks variety."''
''"You have made the same mistake twice!"''

'''Killing the Same Enemy Three Times in a Row'''
''"This is not your lucky day."''

'''Killing the Second Enemy in a Teamfight'''
''"I despise middle-men."''
''"You are too late."''

'''&c_camille;Camille Getting First Blood'''
''"That wasn't so difficult!"''
''"Is that fear I detect?"''

'''Ally Getting First Blood'''
''"Whittle them down!"''

'''Enemy Getting First Blood'''
''"Now you're just being... vulgar."''

'''An Enemy &c_annie;Annie Getting First Blood'''
''"Ashes, ashes, you fall down."''

'''An Enemy &c_aurelionsol;Aurelion Sol Getting First Blood'''
''"Hmm, that was less than stellar."''

'''An Enemy &c_azir;Azir Getting First Blood'''
''"Only command what you can enforce."''

'''An Enemy &c_blitzcrank;Blitzcrank Getting First Blood'''
''"You have become obsolete."''

'''An Enemy &c_caitlyn;Caitlyn Getting First Blood'''
''"That antique of yours is quite poor at close range."''

'''An Enemy &c_darius;Darius Getting First Blood'''
''"Bravado is contrary to civility. Much like boys."''

'''An Enemy &c_darius;Dunkmaster Darius Getting First Blood'''
''"Should have brought your 'A' Game."''

'''An Enemy &c_ekko;Ekko Getting First Blood'''
''"Your affinity with time does only afford you make more mistakes."''
''"Pay attention, boy. Maybe next time you'll get it right."''

'''An Enemy &c_ezreal;Ezreal Getting First Blood'''
''"Next time, take the map."''

'''An Enemy &c_fiora;Fiora Getting First Blood'''
''"Looks like two blades are better than one."''
''"A nimble blade wins the fight, but the keen mind wins the war."''

'''An Enemy &c_janna;Forecast Janna Getting First Blood'''
''"Today's forecast? Your death."''

'''An Enemy &c_gangplank;Gangplank Getting First Blood'''
''"All bluster, no execution."''

'''An Enemy &c_garen;Garen Getting First Blood'''
''"My boy, no one cares about your silly little country..."''

'''An Enemy &c_heimerdinger;Heimerdinger Getting First Blood'''
''"Is that the result you were looking for?"''

'''An Enemy &c_illaoi;Illaoi Getting First Blood'''
''"I suppose dying is the ultimate lesson."''

'''An Enemy &c_irelia;Irelia Getting First Blood'''
''"You should have relied on your weapons more!"''

'''An Enemy &c_jayce;Jayce Getting First Blood'''
''"Funny thing about heroes: they all end up dead."''

'''An Enemy &c_jhin;Jhin Getting First Blood'''
''"Showmanship has no place in battle."''

'''An Enemy &c_orianna;Orianna Getting First Blood'''
''"Better to be self-made than made to serve."''

'''An Enemy &c_pantheon;Pantheon Getting First Blood'''
''"Good luck in your next incarnation."''

'''An Enemy &c_poppy;Poppy Getting First Blood'''
''"Looks like you weren't the hero."''

'''An Enemy &c_renekton;Renekton Getting First Blood'''
''"You are SLOPPY."''

'''An Enemy &c_riven;Riven Getting First Blood'''
''"And all the Noxian High Command couldn't put Riven together again."''

'''An Enemy &c_ryze;Ryze Getting First Blood'''
''"Scissors... beats...paper."''

'''An Enemy &c_shen;Shen Getting First Blood'''
''"Play in the shadows at your peril."''

'''An Enemy &c_singed;An Enemy &c_Singed Getting First Blood'''
''"This chemical equation has been neutralized."''

'''An Enemy &c_teemo;Teemo Getting First Blood'''
''"Bandle scout rule number one: Be better."''

'''An Enemy &c_twistedfate;Twisted Fate Getting First Blood'''
''"Living another day was not on the cards."''

'''An Enemy &c_twitch;Twitch Getting First Blood'''
''"Ugh! hideous little thing."''

'''An Enemy &c_vi;Vi Getting First Blood'''
''"All the class and manners I expect from a Zaunite."''

'''An Enemy &c_viktor;Viktor Getting First Blood'''
''"That was glorious."''
''"Never go full machine."''

'''An Enemy &c_vladimir;Vladimir Getting First Blood'''
''"If blood fazed me, I wouldn't be very good at my job."''

'''An Enemy &c_warwick;Warwick Getting First Blood'''
''"Not all dogs go to heaven!"''
''"You were a weapon? Boohoo!"''

'''An Enemy &c_wukong;Wukong Getting First Blood'''
''"Monkey see, monkey die!"''

'''An Enemy &c_yasuo;Yasuo Getting First Blood'''
''"The story of your sword is over."''

'''An Enemy &c_yorick;Yorick Getting First Blood'''
''"It's a fine line between deadly and dead."''

'''An Enemy &c_zac;Zac Getting First Blood'''
''"Ugh! I think I got some on me."''

'''An Enemy &c_zed;Zed Getting First Blood'''
''"Was that deception or were you really that careless?"''

'''An Enemy &c_ziggs;Ziggs Getting First Blood'''
''"Bombs... away!"''

'''An Enemy &c_zyra;Zyra Getting First Blood'''
''"Potted and pruned."''

'''Upon Going on a Killing Spree'''
''"Were you going to stop me? I didn't think so."''
''"Anything worth doing, is worth doing right."''
''"The satisfaction isn't in the killing, but in a job well done."''
''"Professionals never second guess."''
''"They do not pay me to make mistakes!"''
''"Remove the strong and watch the weak crumble..."''
''"Don't walk away....RUN."''

''"If you don't have the talent to fight, at least have the decency to die."''

'''Taunting An Ally'''
''"Extremes are easy, it's the balance that is difficult''"

'''Responding to an Ally's Taunt'''
''"Results speak louder than words."''

'''Responding to an Enemy's Taunt'''
''"Your ignorance is showing."''
''"Find bravado where you can, while you can."''

'''Taunting Near Enemy Corpses'''
''"So many bodies...so little time!"''

'''Taunting An Enemy &c_caitlyn;Caitlyn'''
''"Belts? Is dressing like a commoner fashion now?
''"Don't go looking for something you don't want to find."''

'''Taunting An Enemy &c_ekko;Ekko'''
''"Hourglass kid? Was sundial brat already taken?"''

'''Taunting An Enemy &c_ezreal;Ezreal'''
''"That little toy of yours won't help you when you're dead!"''

'''Taunting An Enemy &c_rengar;Rengar'''
''"Pattern breeds weakness."''

'''Taunting An Enemy &c_ryze;Ryze'''
''"Shall I wait while you consult your precious runes?"''

'''Taunting An Enemy &c_swain;Swain'''
''"Your lack of strategy disgusts me!"''

'''Taunting An Enemy &c_vi;Vi'''
''"Mmm, it's like looking into a crude, boorish mirror."''
''"Ever wondered how you became an orphan?"''

'''Taunting An Enemy &c_viktor;Viktor'''
''"Oooh, your revolution is so... quaint..."''

'''Taunting An Enemy &c_warwick;Warwick'''
''"Here, doggy."''

'''Taunting An Enemy &c_zyra;Zyra'''
''"The yolk of mankind looks good on you."''

''"A Noxian, a Zaunite and a Freljordian walk into my blade. The end."''
''"A joke? Hmm... What do you get when you cross me in a dark alley? ... eviscerated."''

'''Responding to an Ally's Joke'''
''"Don't beg for attention, it's unbecoming."''
''"Don't be funny, be useful."''

'''Responding to an Enemy's Joke'''
''"In your case, intelligence seems like an unhappy accident."''
''"I hope you still think that's funny when I slit your throat..."''
''"I suppose wit varies with intelligence."''
''"Awww... thinking for yourself must be difficult."''
''"Rudeness is a sure way to an ugly death."''

'''Upon Casting &ref(./Camille_Precision_Protocol_(Q).png,32x32);Precision Protocol'''
''"Patience isn't a virtue, it is the virtue."''

'''Upon Casting &ref(./Camille_Tactical_Sweep_(W).png,32x32);Tactical Sweep'''
''"There are two sides to every issue, my side and the wrong side."''

'''Upon Casting &ref(./Camille_Hookshot_(E).png,32x32);Hookshot'''
''"Only cowards run."''
''"You will be where I want you to be."''
''"Running will make no difference."''
''"I'm coming to get you."''
''"Where are you going?"''

'''Upon Casting &ref(./Camille_The_Hextech_Ultimatum_(R).png,32x32);The Hextech Ultimatum'''
''"You and I will end this. Now."''
''"You will stay where I want you to stay."''
''"Stay here."''

'''When an enemy champion attempts to leave &ref(./Camille_The_Hextech_Ultimatum_(R).png,32x32);The Hextech Ultimatum'''
''"Ask permission if you want to leave."''
''"I didn't say you could leave."''
''"You didn't really think I would let you go that easily?"''
''"You will leave when I allow it."''
''"That's not going to work!"''

'''Trying to Use &s_flash;Flash'''
''"Cowardice is worst than laziness."''

'''When an Enemy Uses an Ability on active &ref(./Camille_Adaptive_Defenses_(P).png,32x32);Adaptive Defenses'''
''"What a waste!"''
''"I've already figured you out."''
''"Your attempts are feeble."''
''"So predictable..."''
''"How rude!"''
''"Are you fighting back? -Tut- How selfish!"''
''"That was mediocre at best."''

'''Scoring a Quadrakill'''
''"This is what problem solving looks like!"''

'''Scoring a Pentakill'''
''"I don't leave witnesses."''

'''Upon Buying an Item'''
''"To the victor, the spoils."''
''"The right tool goes to the one with the heaviest purse."''
''"Fortune favors the wealthy."''
''"A proper lady employs many methods''"

'''Buying First Item'''
''"Money makes everything easier!"''

'''Upon Proc'ing &i_bansheesveil;Banshee's Veil'''
''"Try harder!"''

'''Upon Using &i_bladeoftheruinedking;Blade of the Ruined King'''
''"You are strong, but I am stronger."''

'''Upon Proc'ing &i_duskbladeofdraktharr;Duskblade of Draktharr'''
''"You can run, but it won't help!"''

'''Upon Using a &i_healthpotion;Potion'''
''"Bottoms up!"''

'''Upon Using &i_mercurialscimitar;Mercurial Scimitar'''
''"I am no one's puppet."''

'''Upon Using &i_randuinsomen;Randuin's Omen'''
''"Meekness was never a virtue of mine!"''

'''Upon Using &i_ravenoushydra;Ravenous Hydra'''
''"You are in my way."''

'''Upon Proc'ing &i_steraksgage;Sterak's Gage'''
''"You try my patience!"''

'''Upon Using &_titanichydra;Titanic Hydra'''
''"I am the only weapon necessary!"''

'''Upon Using &i_youmuusghostblade;Youmuu's Ghostblade'''
''"Time to thin the herd."''

'''Upon Placing a &i_sightward;Ward'''
''"An attention to detail produces shoddy work."''
''"I am the trap!"''
''"I have yet to be wrong."''

'''Upon Destroying an Outer Turret'''
''"Wait long enough and the cracks always show!"''

'''Upon Destroying an Inner Turret'''
''"When the foundation's rotten, the walls give so easily."''

''"A weapon's virtue is proven in combat."''
''"Don't be crass!"''
''"Do nothing if you wish to be nothing''"
''"Hmph; You may thank me when this is over."''
''"You are utterly unemployable."''
''"This is your best!?"''
''"You do not want your name on my list."''
''"Your behavior is unacceptable."''
''"Behave yourself!"''
''"You are meek."''
''"How gauche."''
''"I'm old enough to know better''"
''"You WILL co-operate''"
''"Let me be clear. I WILL kill you."''
''"I find your skill lacking."''
''"Mind your manners, or I'll mind them for you."''
''"This work isn't for amateurs."''
''"You will be forgotten before you're dead."''
''"How inadequate."''
''"You are a means to an end."''
''"Target Neutralized."''
''"Ego brings everyone to their knees."''
''"Eye on the target."''
''"Either attack or run. Your indecision is repulsive."''
''"So direct, like most fools."''
''"I don't leave witnesses."''
''"Technology and I have a....complicated relationship."''
''"I bargained my soul for the progress of Piltover."''
''"I'm what you would call; a deniable asset."''
''"I ensure the survival of Piltover!"''
''"Progress is honed on necessary deaths."''
''"My skills eliminate the chaos of Piltover."''
''"The harsh memory of one's past does not soften with age."''
''"Regret is what tempers the steel of our soul."''
''"The right word cuts more deeply than a knife."''
''"Fear sharpens every blade."''
''"I don't play the game, I make the rules."''
''"It's not lies that cut but the sharpness of the truth."''
''"Sometimes ambitions must be restrained."''
''"Violence is a means to an end."''
''"Morality is a beautiful servant...and a dangerous master."''
''"Elegance never goes out of fashion."''
''"Piltover will achieve it's destiny!"''
''"We all have lines, I may have crossed mine..."''
''"Another step on the march of progress."''
''"They pay me to find problems...and then dispose of them."''
''"Everything has a place, forgetting yours is dangerous."''
''"I am employed when negotiations fail."''
''"Society needs rules."''
''"Self-made women need to be more prevalent."''
''"Privilege must be preserved at all costs."''
''"It is not the weapon that defines you, but how you wield it."''
''"This is simply my profession."''
''"Being nice is sooo tedious."''
''"Sometimes scars are the most refined attire one can wear."''
''"Progress is served by technology, not controlled by it."''
''"The world is not black or white, heh; but a delicious shade of gray."''
''"Efficiency is paramount to success."''
''"The task at hand is the only one that matters."''
''"Feigning innocence is so time consuming."''
''"Order exists because of me."''
''"For the problems of Piltover, I am the solution."''
''"Rudeness must be eradicated!"''
''"I will not be mislead."''
''"The luxury of mercy is one I cannot afford."''
''"Results are all that matters."''
''"Better to sip regret than swallow death!"''
''"There's always time for tea!"''
''"Value yourself first, lest you be deemed worthless."''
''"I only need time."''
''"Character is revealed by when one retreats."''
''"Winning means being better."''
''"You won't avoid the consequences of your actions."''
''"The difference between success and failure is adaptation!"''
''"If life hasn't changed you, then you have failed!"''
''"Complacency breeds death."''
''"Adapt or perish."''
''"Tut-tut a Lady never dirties her hands."''
''"The trick is to be clever and quick."''
''"The test of good manners is patience."''
''"Waiting yields the most reward!"''
''"Patience is what separates good hunters from dead ones."''
''"Looks like I missed a spot."''
''"A professional is marked by precision."''
''"Opportunity rewards those who wait."''
''"Precision is the only standard that matters."''
''"A sharp blade quickens the work."''
''"The future favors the versatile''"
''"I am out of patience!"''
''"For you, this will be over in a moment."''
''"Always dance with the one who brought you."''\

** 小ネタ [#smalljokes]
- 初めて、物理DMのみに対するシールドが実装されたChampionである。

** ストーリー [#story]
//---------- 日本語 ----------

//---------- 英語 ----------

** スプラッシュアート [#s21b2216]

* コメント [#comments]