Release Notes v1.0.0.104 11/2/2010



League of Legends v1.0.0.104

Leblanc, the Deceiver

   * Sigil of Silence: 対象に魔法DMを与えて3.5秒間マーク。マークの効果中にアビリティでダメージを与えるとサイレンス追加
   * Distortion: 指定位置にワープし近くの敵に魔法DM。使用後3秒間再使用することができて、時間内に使うと元の位置に戻る
   * Ethereal Chains: 指定位置に鎖を投げて当たった相手に魔法DMと25%スロウを与える。鎖は継続し、2秒以上束縛できれば追加魔法DMとスネアの効果を与える。
   * Mimic (Ultimate): 最後に使用したスキルを、ダメージを増加させて使用できる。
   * Mirror Image (Passive): HPが40%以下になると0.5秒間ステルスになり、ステルス状態解除後に8秒間保持する分身を作りだす。攻撃するモーションなどはあるが与えるダメージは0。


   * Essence of ShadowのチャージがCD減少の効果を受けるようにした。ただし最大の場合は次のチャージが進まない


   * Lv毎のMR増加を0から1.25に増加


   * Valkyrieの射程を700から800に増加
   * Valkyrieの基本移動速度を500から650に増加
   * Missile Barrage
         o Missile BarrageはAPだけでなくADの20%分攻撃力が増加するようになった(?)
         o Big Oneが普通のミサイルより2倍のダメージを与えるとツールチップに明記した
         o 次のミサイルのチャージ時間がCD減少の効果を受けるようにした。ただし最大の場合は次のチャージが進まない
         o ベースで生き返ると必ずミサイルを4つ持っている状態になる


   * Lv毎のMR増加を0.5から0.75に増加


   * Essence Fluxの攻撃速度増加を加算式ではなく乗算式にした
   * Essence FluxのCDを10秒から9秒に減少
   * Trueshot BarrageのAPレシオを0.8から0.9に増加


   * Dark WindのCDを14秒から13秒に減少
   * Drain
         o ダメージを50/75/100/130/160から60/90/120/150/180に増加
         o CDを全ランク10秒から10/9/8/7/6秒に減少
         o APレシオを0.4から0.48に増加
         o 持続時間を6秒から5秒に低下


   * Empowerは正常にRylai's Scepterの効果を受けるようになった


   * Bouncing BladeのCDを10/9.5/9/8.5/8秒から9/8.5/8/7.5/7秒に減少
   * Killer InstinctのCDを22/20/18/16/14秒から20/18/16/14/12秒に減少


   * PVP.Netのタグやレーティングを更新
   * 推奨アイテムを更新
   * Finales FunkelnのAPレシオを0.75から0.85に増加


   * Unstoppable Forceのスタン時間が短かったバグを修正
   * Unstoppable Forceのスタン時間を全ランク1秒から全ランク1.5秒に増加
   * Lv毎のMR増加を0から1.25に増加

Miss Fortune

   * Ricoshet Shotの反射ダメージを120%から115%に減少
   * Make It Rainのスロウ効果時間を1.5秒から1秒に減少


   * Mace of Spades
         o 基礎ダメージを20/40/60/80/100から80/110/140/170/200に増加
         o アイテム等の攻撃力のみに比例してダメージが増加するようになった
         o 対象が一人の場合は75%の追加ダメージが発生するようになった
         o HPコストを30/35/40/45/50から20/25/30/35/40に減少
         o 一人目の対象に与えたダメージもMordekaiserのシールドを増加させるようになった
   * Creeping Death
         o 基礎ダメージを16/32/48/64/80から24/38/52/66/80に増加
         o APレシオを0.15から0.2に増加
         o 味方に使用した際のシールドの移動速度を増加
   * Siphon of Destruction
         o ダメージを85/110/155/200/245から65/105/145/185/225に減少
         o APレシオを0.4から0.6に増加
         o シールド変換を6/9/12/15/18から1/2/3/4/5に減少
   * Children of the Grave
         o 効果時間中の合計HP吸収率を最大HPの24/28/32%から24/29/34%に増加
         o スキル使用時のダメージとDoTダメージを半分に減少 ←半分を使用時に与えて、半分をDoTにするようになった
         o 効果時間を8秒から10秒に増加
         o 合計APレシオを0.016から0.04に増加
         o Black Shieldで防げなかったバグを修正
         o The Spiritから受けるAPボーナスを25%から20%に減少
         o The Spiritから受けるADボーナスを25%から20%に減少
   * The Spirit(上記ペット)
         o MordekaiserのADボーナスとAPボーナスを全ランクで75%受けるようにしたが、APレシオでの増加を削除した
         o HPボーナスを50%から15%に減少
         o ペットがInhibitorを殴ってもMordekaiserのシールドが増加していなかったバグを修正
   * Iron Man(Passive)
         o シールド変換率を25%から30%に増加
         o ツールチップのバグを修正
   * その他
         o 特定の条件下でシールドが20%しか得られなかったバグを修正
         o ツールチップがCD減少の効果を含めたCDを正常に表示していなかったバグを修正
         o 一度のダメージで複数回シールドを得ることがあったバグを修正
         o ツールチップを簡略化


   * Defensive Ball Curlの反射ダメージを26/32/38/44/50から22/28/34/40/46に減少
   * Defensive Ball Curlのツールチップが正常に反射ダメージを表示していなかったバグを修正


   * Boomerang BladeはSivirの攻撃力の75%に比例するようになった
   * Boomerang Bladeの基礎ダメージを60/115/170/225/280から20/70/120/170/220に減少 
   * Lv毎のHP増加を76から82に増加


   * Song of Celerityの移動速度ボーナスが想定より多かったバグを修正
   * CrescendoのCDを160/140/120秒から170/150/130秒に増加


   * Noxious Trap(キノコ)を壊したときに得られるゴールドを25から0に減少
   * Noxious Trap(キノコ)は選択すると効果時間を表示するようになる


   * Ambushの攻撃速度増加ボーナスを30/45/60/80/100%から30/40/50/60/70%に減少


   * 複数のアイテムのTiger Stance使用時に与えるダメージが1/3になっていたバグを修正。Madred's Razors、Wriggle's Lantern、Sheen、Lich BaneとTrinity Forceが該当する。


   * Trinity Force
         o ダメージを20から30に増加
         o 攻撃速度を25%から30%に増加
         o Critical Strikeを12%から15%に増加
         o MPを300から250に減少
         o HPを300から250に減少


   * Exhaustはブラインド+スロウの効果になり、Cleanseで解除できるようになった


   * Chosen Master Yiの剣が光っていなかったバグを修正


   * チャンピオン選択画面でのLuxの"Choose Me"のセリフを修正


League of Legends and will be updated during scheduled maintenance on 11/2/2010 from 1:30 AM until 11 AM PDT.

New Skins in the Store

   * Prestigious LeBlanc
   * Wicked LeBlanc
   * Perseus Pantheon
   * Pharaoh Nasus
   * Divine Soraka v1.22.13

   * Users will now be placed back into the matchmaking queue in the exact state they were prior to a queue dodge occurring, which should result in faster matches after having a game dissolved
   * Optimized the general and background performance of
   * Fixed a bug where the reconnect to chat button would not appear if a user logged in while chat was down

League of Legends v1.0.0.104
LeBlanc, the Deceiver

   * Sigil of Silence: LeBlanc projects an orb towards her target, dealing magic damage and marking the target for 3.5 seconds. If the target takes damage from one of Leblanc's abilities, the mark will trigger, dealing damage and silencing the target.
   * Distortion: LeBlanc rapidly moves to a target location, dealing magic damage to nearby units. In the following 3 seconds, she can activate Distortion again to return to her starting location.
   * Ethereal Chains: LeBlanc flings illusionary chains towards a target location. If it hits an enemy unit, it will deal initial magic damage and slow their movement speed by 25%. If the target remains shackled for 2 seconds, the target takes additional magic damage and is unable to move.
   * Mimic (Ultimate): LeBlanc can cast the previous spell she cast. The mimicked spell deals significantly increased damage. 30 second cooldown.
   * Mirror Image (Passive): When LeBlanc is brought below 40% health, she instantly becomes stealthed for half a second. When the stealth fades, she creates a Mirror Image that deals no damage and lasts for up to 8 seconds. This can only occur once per minute.


   * The time to gain Essence of Shadow charges is now reduced by cooldown reduction effects. The time to gain the next charge does not progress while Akali is at maximum charges


   * Magic resistance per level increased to 1.25 from 0


   * Valkyrie range increased to 800 from 700
   * Valkyrie base speed increased to 650 from 500
   * Missile Barrage
         o Missile Barrage now scales off 20% of Corki's total attack damage in addition to ability power
         o Updated the tooltip to reflect that a Big One deals twice as much damage as a normal missile
         o The time to store a missile is now reduced by cooldown reduction effects
         o The time to store the next missile does not progress while you are at maximum missiles
         o Corki respawns with 4 missiles

Dr. Mundo

   * Magic resistance per level increased to 0.75 from 0.5


   * Essence Flux attack speed increase changed to be additive rather than multiplicative
   * Essence Flux cooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 10 seconds
   * Trueshot Barrage ability power ratio increased to 0.9 from 0.8


   * Dark Wind cooldown reduced to 13 seconds from 14
   * Drain
         o Damage increased to 60/90/120/150/180 from 50/75/100/130/160
         o Cooldown reduced to 10/9/8/7/6 from 10
         o Ability power ratio increased to 0.48 per second from 0.4
         o Duration reduced to 5 seconds from 6


   * Empower now properly procs Rylai's Scepter


   * Bouncing Blade cooldown reduced to 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 from 10/9.5/9/8.5/8
   * Killer Instinct cooldown reduced to 20/18/16/14/12 from 22/20/18/16/14


   * Updated PVP.Net tags and character ratings
   * Updated Recommended Items
   * Finales Funkeln ability power ratio increased to .85 from .75


   * Fixed a bug where the Unstoppable Force wouldn't last long enough. Unstoppable Force now stuns for 1.5 seconds up from 1 second at all ranks.
   * Magic resistance per level increased to 1.25 from 0

Miss Fortune

   * Ricochet Shot damage dealt to the secondary target reduced to 115% from 120%.
   * Make It Rain slow duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5 seconds


   * Mace of Spades
         o Base damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200 from 20/40/60/80/100
         o Now scales off of only bonus damage rather than all damage
         o Now deals 75% bonus damage if Mace of Spades only hits 1 target
         o Health cost reduced to 20/25/30/35/40 from 30/35/40/45/50
         o The main target of Mace of Spades now generates shield for Mordekaiser
   * Creeping Death
         o Base damage increased to 24/38/52/66/80 from 16/32/48/64/80
         o Ability power ratio increased to 0.2 from 0.15
         o Increased missile travel speed when casting Creeping Death on an ally
   * Siphon of Destruction
         o Damage reduced to 65/105/145/185/225 from 85/110/155/200/245
         o Ability power ratio increased to 0.6 from 0.4
         o Base shield generation reduced to 1/2/3/4/5 from 6/9/12/15/18
   * Children of the Grave
         o Now steals 24/29/34% of the target's maximum health over the duration up from 24/28/32%
         o Now deals half damage to the target initially and half damage over time
         o Duration increased to 10 seconds from 8
         o Total ability power ratio over the duration increased to 0.04 from 0.016
         o Fixed a bug where Children of the Grave was improperly blocked by Black Shield
         o Mordekaiser now gains 20% of the pet's Ability Power, reduced from 25%
         o Mordekaiser now gains 20% of the pet's Attack Damage, reduced from 25%
   * Children of the Grave Pet
         o The pet now gains 75% of Mordekaiser's ability power and damage at all 3 ranks and the ratio itself no longer increases with Mordekaiser's total ability power
         o Pet health bonus reduced to 15% from 50%
         o Fixed a bug where the pet was not generating shield for Mordekaiser when hitting inhibitors
   * Iron Man
         o Shield generation increased to 30% from 25%
         o Fixed a tooltip bug
   * General
         o Fixed bugs where several components of some spells generated shield equal to 20% of the damage dealt instead of 25%
         o Fixed bugs where several tooltips did not properly reflect cooldown values with cooldown reduction factored in
         o Fixed a bug where occasionally Mordekaiser could generate shield multiple times from a single source of damage (causing a huge spike)
         o Reworded/simplified several tooltips


   * Defensive Ball Curl damage return reduced to 22/28/34/40/46 from 26/32/38/44/50
   * Fixed a bug with Defensive Ball Curl where the tooltip was not displaying the proper bonus damage return


   * Boomerang Blade now scales with 75% of Sivir's attack damage
   * Boomerang Blade base damage reduced to 20/70/120/170/220 from 60/115/170/225/280
   * Health per level increased to 82 from 76


   * Fixed a bug with Song of Celerity where it was granting more movement speed than intended
   * Crescendo cooldown increased to 170/150/130 from 160/140/120


   * Noxious Traps no longer give any gold as a bounty when killed, down from 25
   * Noxious Traps now show their remaining duration when selected


   * Ambush attack speed reduced to 30/40/50/60/70% from 30/45/60/80/100%


   * Fixed some bugs where certain items would have their Tiger Stance damage cut down to 1/3. They now deal full damage on Tiger Hit. (Affected items are Madred's Razors, Wriggle's Lantern, Sheen, Lich Bane and Trinity Force)


   * Trinity Force
         o Damage increased to 30 from 20
         o Attack Speed increased to 30% from 25%
         o Critical Strike increased to 15% from 12%
         o Mana reduced to 250 from 300
         o Health reduced to 250 from 300

Summoner Spells

   * Exhaust is now properly flagged as a slow + blind and can now be removed by Cleanse


   * Fixed a bug where Chosen Master Yi's sword was missing a glow


   * Fixed Lux's "Choose Me" line in Champion Select


