
Patch 4.9 notes







ようこそパッチ4.9へ! バグのカット、ヒゲ剃り、それからえーと……ジャングルの枝打ち(ここらで切り上げよう)、の前にまずは序文だ!

まだ見てない人たちのために言っておくと、私たちは「League of Legendsのデザインにおける価値観」(http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/features/dev-blog-design-values-league-legends)を表明した。これにより、なぜ私たちは変更を生み出すのかをよりよく理解してもらえるだろう。私たちの哲学に載ってない変更点を見つけたかい? であればそれについて会話をしよう!



そしてここまでが全序文だ! 変更とアップデートをこれより下でしっかりとチェックしてくれ!

−Chris "Pwyff" Tom




  • 一般項目
    • 明晰性: 基本的なアビリティにチームカラー表示を追加
  • Q - Lay Waste
    • 明晰性: エフェクトの完全な範囲の表示を追加
    • 貴重品: 2倍ダメージの際にクリティカルスタイルのテキストと固有のSEを追加
  • W - Wall of Pain
    • 明晰性: 効果を受けた敵チャンピオンへのビジュアル的なデバフエフェクトを追加





  • 一般項目
    • 基本アタックダメージ: 56 ⇒ 53
  • Passive - Concussive Blows
    • バグ修正: スペルシールドをまとった対象にはスタンを与えない
  • Q - Winter's Bite
    • ベースダメージ: 80/125/170/215/260 ⇒ 60/105/150/195/240
  • W - Stand Behind Me
    • 増加AR/MR: 20/22.5/25/27.5/30 (+14/15.5/12/18.5/20% 増加 AR/MR) ⇒ 15/17.5/20/22.5/25 (+10/11.5/13/14.5/16% 増加 AR/MR)
  • E - Unbreakable
    • バグ修正: Unbreakableのアクティブバリアーで防がなければならない効果が、いくつかのケースでバリアーをスルーしてしまう問題を修正した




  • 一般項目
    • 基本移動速度: 350 ⇒ 340
  • W - Nether Blade
    • ダメージ: 40/75/110/145/180 (+0.7 ability power) ⇒ 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.6 ability power)





これでうまくいくかどうかを観察する予定だ。チームファイトの中で孤立した獲物を探し、しかし真正面から戦闘に飛び込むわけにいかないため、機動力と爆発的なダメージでもって裏側から破壊をする。私たちとしてはそういったKha'Zixes (Kha'Zixi? Kha'Zii?)を見れることを望んでいる。

  • Q - Taste Their Fear
    • ベースダメージ: 70/100/130/160/190 (+1.5増加攻撃力) ⇒ 55/80/105/130/155 (+1.2増加攻撃力)
    • 孤立ボーナスダメージ: 45% ⇒ 30%
  • Q - Evolved Enlarged Claws
    • 新たな孤立: ターゲットが孤立状態であれば、10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/ 110/120/130/140/150/160/170/180 (+1.04増加攻撃力) の物理ダメージを与える (言い替えると、10 x チャンピオンのレベル (+1.04増加攻撃力)である)
    • 処刑の削除: ターゲットの失ったヘルスに関連するダメージ
  • W - Void Spike
    • 新しいモンスターへのダメージ: モンスターに対して+20%のボーナスダメージを得る
  • W - Evolved Spike Racks
    • 新しいモンスターへのダメージ: モンスターに対して+20%のボーナスダメージを得る
    • 新たな利便性: 敵チャンピオンへのヒット時、そのチャンピオンの視界を2秒間得る
    • スロー: 30%を2秒間 ⇒ 50%を2秒間
  • R - Evolved Active Camouflage
    • ダメージ低減の削除: ステルス時の50%ダメージ低減


パッチ4.7での変更後、物理的な着地の前にPantheonが範囲スペルを受けてしまうというバグに気づいた。私たちは最終的にPanthが楽しくなる方向へとバグを修正した。画面外へのジャンプの際に当たり判定ごと「浮かび上がる」ようにし(なので厄介なSionのスタンは空中では食らわないようになり)、さらに着地後までターゲットされない状態が続くようにした。Grand Skyfallにおける微調整以外のことを言うと、私たちはパッチ4.7での変更がPantheonの性能にどのように影響しているか観察しているが、変更後も彼はトップレーンおよびジャングルの両方で相変わらずとても強いままだ。この件については注視を続けていく!

  • R - Grand Skyfall
    • 新たな男らしいジャンプ: 画面外に跳んだ際、Pantheonの当たり判定は「浮かび上がる」ようになる
    • バグ修正: 離陸の瞬間から着地の瞬間まではターゲットされなくなる



  • Passive - Unseen Predator
    • 利便性: 跳躍後の次の通常攻撃は、跳んでいる最中からではなく着地時から開始される
  • Q - Savagery
    • ダメージ: SavageryおよびEmpowered Savageryの追加ダメージ部分はクリティカルしなくなる。通常のアタックダメージ部分はクリティカル可能のままである。
    • バグ修正: Empowered Savageryの追加ダメージがUnseen Predatorで複数回カウントされることがあるバグを修正



  • Q - Flamespitter
    • バグ修正: 長い時間対象を燃やし続けるとき、ダメージが減少するバグを修正した
    • バグ修正: 紫チームのとき、ダメージが減少するバグを修正した



  • Q - Starcall
    • 利便性: 敵チャンピオンへのヒット時、 Astral Blessingのクールダウンは 5/7.5/10/12.5/15% ⇒ 10/11.25/12.5/13.75/15% 減少する



バグ修正: 以下のチャンピオンにおいて、リコールのアニメーションがキャンセルされることがあるバグを修正した:

  • Diana
  • Elise
  • Kha'Zix
  • Nami


  • E - Rappel
    • バグ修正: wardに対する初回の詠唱が発動しないバグを修正した (wardに対して2回の詠唱を必要としなくなる)


Volibuff。 Buffibear? がおー。説明は以上。

  • Q - Rolling Thunder
    • バグ修正: 投げの想定落下地点が壁の中あるいは他ユニットの群れであるときに、投げる距離が適切でなかったバグを修正した

Summoner's Riftについて



  • 経験値ボーナス: ジャングルのモンスターは、レベルに応じた追加の経験値を与えなくなる (レーンのミニオンの経験値は変更されない)

Twisted Treeline&Crystal Scarについて


Dominion / TTにおいて、Kha'Zixの孤立ダメージは以前のスキルキットを前提とした変更をされている。しかしいま追加調整が彼に入ったため、妥当なものにするべく新しいスキルキットの側へ合わせるように変更を行う。

  • Q - Taste Their Fear / Evolved Enlarged Claws
    • 孤立ボーナスダメージ: 35% ⇒ 30%



  • セッティングメニュー右の「フレンドリスト」バーは拡張され、以下の機能を含むようになる:
    • ステータスメッセージの変更
    • フレンドソートのオプション
    • (新)オフラインのフレンドを見る
  • ステータスメッセージバーはフレンドリスト検索ツールの中に配置される
    • あなたのステータスメッセージは、フレンドリスト上部のサモナーネーム横に表示される
  • 右クリックメニューからフレンドグループを上下することが可能になる
  • 「Show Offline Friends」有効時にフレンドグループはオフラインメンバーを表示する
    • フレンドグループ「Offline」は削除される
  • あなたからのフレンドリクエストをまだ受諾していないプレイヤーは灰色で表示され、「Show Offline Friends」有効時にオフライン状態であればGeneral groupの下に表示される
  • "Sort Friends"および"Show Offline Friends"の設定はあなたのコンピュータに保存され、ログアウトまで持続する



  • 新しいランクチームの進行システム: ランクチームの勝利によってプレイヤーが得たポイントに応じて、Season 2014 ward skinがシーズンの終わりにアンロックされアップグレードされる
  • 新しいランクリーグのプロフィールページは、リーグの比較が可能になり、シーズン褒賞のより詳しい情報を得られ、また褒賞に対する進行状況を見れるようになる
  • プレイヤーのチームががtierごとの褒賞を得られる勝利数に足りていないとき、各プレイヤーのプロフィールタブとランクチームページにその旨が告知される
  • 3sと5sでの達成tierをベースとした固有サモナーアイコンがシーズン褒賞に追加される


Warding Totemsはワードスキンが適用されるようになる! 黄トリンケットでしかチームに視界を提供できない状況下であっても、ワードスキンをゲーム内で見せびらかすことが可能になる(しかしそもそも貧しいサポートたちのために緑やピンクのwardを購入するべきである)。

  • ワードスキンはWarding Totemでのwardに適用される
  • trinket wardの表示上での区別を調整を目的として、Stealth ward (Wriggle's LanternおよびFeral Flareでのwardを含む)は新しく緑色のサークル表示を持つ。 Yellow trinket wardは今までと同じく黄色のサークル表示を持つ。


Pentakill Karthusのビジュアルアップデートに加え、私たちはPentakill SonaおよびPentakill Mordekaiserのテクスチャについてもアップデートを行った。また、すべてのPentakill skinは新しくチームとしてのスプラッシュイメージを持つ。メタルだ。

  • Pentakill



  • Woad Scout Quinn


Patch 4.9 notes


Hey Summoners,

Welcome to patch 4.9! We've got bug changes, moustache trims, and... jungle landscaping (I'll stop), but first a foreword!

For anyone who hasn't seen them, we recently put out our League of Legends Design Values so you can get a better understanding of why we make the changes we make. See a change that doesn't line up with any of our philosophies? Let's have a conversation about it!

As for the patch itself, our biggest change is definitely for Kha'Zix, who's been a difficult bug to balance for some time. You can read below for our full context, but Kha'Zix's big issue has always been his overloaded role identity as both a fighter and assassin. When a champion has the ability to start and end a team fight all on their own, that makes for pretty low teamplay and low counterplay (look at those direct references to design values!). Once again, read below for deeper context!

Outside of gameplay changes, check out the addition of team rewards (UPGRADING WARD SKIN!?) as we continue to reward players for participating in jolly (competitive) cooperation.

And that's all for this foreword! Be sure to check out more of our changes and updates below!

Chris "Pwyff" Tom

Visual Updates


Karthus has received a Visual Update and is ready to reap the living in style. Check out the full details here!

  • General
    • CLARITY: Added team-color indicators to basic abilities
  • Q - Lay Waste
    • CLARITY: Added a new indicator that shows the full area of effect
    • SWAG: Added crit-style combat text and a unique sound effect for double-damage Qs
  • W - Wall of Pain
    • CLARITY: Added a visual debuff effect that marks affected enemy champions



We padded Braum's punches, Q does less damage at all ranks, and W gives less defensive stats (also scales less).

It's tough to pinpoint the strength of a new champion while also accounting for how quickly players adapt, and Braum was picked up very quickly as a strong lane bully with his combined high damage and defensive power. When we want to reduce power in a champion, we first look to trim 'hidden' strengths that aren't really appreciated in their core playstyle, like Braum's W, which was giving a pile of free defensive stats to both himself and his protected target. That said, Braum's offensive strengths are also very high for a protective champion, so we also decided to trim back that 'stache.

  • General
    • BASE ATTACK DAMAGE: 56 ⇒ 53
  • Passive - Concussive Blows
    • BUGFIX: No longer stuns individuals when they have spell shields up
  • Q - Winter's Bite
    • BASE DAMAGE: 80/125/170/215/260 ⇒ 60/105/150/195/240
    • W - Stand Behind Me
    • BONUS ARMOR / MAGIC RESISTANCE: 20/22.5/25/27.5/30 (+14/15.5/12/18.5/20% bonus armor / mr) ⇒ 15/17.5/20/22.5/25 (+10/11.5/13/14.5/16% bonus armor / mr)
  • E - Unbreakable
    • BUGFIX: We've cleaned up a few cases where certain effects could bypass Unbreakable's active barrier


We reverted the W damage buff and base movement speed buffs to Kassadin from patch 4.6.

Following up on our champion update, we've been keeping track of Kassadin as he continues to become a more and more dominant force. We think we released Kassadin in a good state but then gave him a little too much strength as we saw folks struggling with the new kit. After our buffs, however, we saw a lot of players learning to play the updated Kass (and well), so we're peeling back the layers we added to get him back to a correct power level.

  • General
    • BASE MOVEMENT SPEED: 350 ⇒ 340
  • W - Nether Blade
    • DAMAGE: 40/75/110/145/180 (+0.7 ability power) ⇒ 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.6 ability power)


Q does less damage and less isolation damage. Evolved Q no longer deals bonus damage on missing health, but deals more overall damage to isolated targets. W deals bonus damage to monsters. Evolved W now slows enemies by 50% and grants sight of their location to Kha'Zix. Evolved R no longer grants damage reduction (but keeps his increased stealth duration and additional stealth charge).

Up to now, most of our changes failed to give Kha'Zix meaningful weaknesses for an assassin because evolved R's damage reduction was letting Kha'Zix force fight initiations whenever it was up while his high base Q damage was letting him take out squishy targets even when they were actively trying to prevent isolation. As an assassin, Kha'Zix should be an opportunistic killer who needs to find isolated targets to munch on while the rest of his team jumps into the mosh pit of the team fight. What Kha'Zix shouldn't be able to do, however, is directly engage a full team fight with the expectation to live while also taking out high priority targets without isolation.

With that said, our philosophy behind these changes is aimed at reducing some of Kha'Zix's many strengths while refining his core identity as an assassin. First, we pushed more power to his evolutions so that he'll have to think more about the choices he makes in life (or the game). Kha'Zix's base Q is lower compared to live, but his evolved Q is guaranteed to deal more damage to isolated targets in the mid to late game. The added power to W and its evolution was to give Kha'Zix more fallback strengths when evolving W. It's also worth pointing out that while evolved R took a significant power hit with the loss of its damage reduction, it's still offering a lot of extra mobility for Kha'Zix in a fight (doubling his stealth duration while also adding an extra charge).

We'll be watching how these changes pan out, but we're hoping to see more opportunistic Kha'Zixes (Kha'Zixi? Kha'Zii?) who seek out isolated meals in team fights but can't just jump in to scrap with the frontline while also having the mobility and explosive damage to take out the backline.

  • Q - Taste Their Fear
    • BASE DAMAGE: 70/100/130/160/190 (+1.5 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 55/80/105/130/155 (+1.2 bonus attack damage)
  • Q - Evolved Enlarged Claws
    • NEW ISOLATION: If target is isolated, deal an additional 10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/ 110/120/130/140/150/160/170/180 (+1.04 bonus attack damage) physical damage (in other words, 10 x Champion Level (+1.04 bonus attack damage))
    • REMOVED EXECUTE: No longer deals bonus damage based on target's missing health
  • W - Void Spike
    • NEW MONSTER DAMAGE: Now deals +20% bonus damage to monsters
  • W - Evolved Spike Racks
    • NEW MONSTER DAMAGE: Now deals +20% bonus damage to monsters
    • NEW UTILITY: If target hit is a champion, grant sight of their location to Kha'Zix for 2 seconds
    • SLOW: 30% for 2 seconds ⇒ 50% for 2 seconds
  • R - Evolved Active Camouflage
    • REMOVED DAMAGE REDUCTION: No longer grants +50% damage reduction on Stealth


When we made the Pantheon changes back in patch 4.7, we also introduced a bug where Pantheon could be hit by area-effect spells before he physically landed on the screen. Ultimately we made a fix that leaned more in Panth's favor, where he can 'pop' all projectiles as he jumps off screen (so that pesky Sion stun won't follow him through the sky) and remains untargetable until he physically lands. In terms of other tweaks to Grand Skyfall, we've been keeping a close eye on how Pantheon's performance has been affected by the 4.7 changes, but he's remained pretty strong in both top lane and the jungle. We're going to keep watching for now!

  • R - Grand Skyfall
    • NEW MANLY JUMPING: Pantheon now 'pops' projectiles that are in flight toward him as he leaps off the screen
    • BUGFIX: Pantheon is now untargetable from the moment he leaves the ground to the moment he lands


We're very aware of Rengar's champion-eating capabilities (unlike the poor squishy targets he's surprising), but we're going to be watching how these changes / bug fixes affect the kitty before we take any larger action.

  • Passive - Unseen Predator
    • CLARITY: Next attack after leap now correctly starts when Rengar lands, rather than when he's midair
  • Q - Savagery
    • DAMAGE: The bonus damage from Savagery and Empowered Savagery can no longer critically strike. The Attack Damage portion still can.
    • BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where Empowered Savagery's bonus damage could be triggered multiple times using Unseen Predator


Rumble had a few strange bugs that were causing his Flamespitter to deal less damage.

  • Q - Flamespitter
    • BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where Flamespitter was dealing less damage when Rumble was trying to set people on fire for extended periods of time
    • BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where Flamespitter dealt less damage when on purple team


In our zeal to reduce solo lane Soraka's obnoxiousness, we kicked her a little too hard in the shins. These changes may not get her up to par, but we're committed to supporting her beyond these buffs.

  • Q - Starcall
    • UTILITY: If Starcall hits an enemy champion, Astral Blessing's cooldown is reduced by 5/7.5/10/12.5/15% ⇒ 10/11.25/12.5/13.75/15%

Minor Changes & Bugfixes

Recall Animations

BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where the following champions would occasionally cancel their recall animations:

  • Diana
  • Elise
  • Kha'Zix
  • Nami


  • E - Rappel
    • BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where the initial cast of Rappel could not be used on wards (Elise no longer needs to cast Rappel twice to descend on a ward)


Volibuff. Buffibear? Bam, context.

  • Q - Rolling Thunder
    • BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where Volibear's target would not be thrown the proper distance if the throw's end position was inside of a wall or a crowd of other units

Summoner's Rift


As we continue to keep a close eye on the jungle, we noticed that jungle monster experience rewards were going up with the average level of the map while lane minion experience didn't. On deeper analysis, we saw this inconsistency was amplifying snowballing in the game: if a jungler's team continues to pull ahead (either through ganks or just #winning), the jungler could continuously clear their monsters for additional bonus experience. Ultimately that meant the jungler of a successful team would come out disproportionately stronger than even the rest of his or her team for contributing the same amount of work. While we want to give specific junglers the gold income and capability to 'carry' their team in the mid to end game, a jungler's overall rewards are currently being amplified beyond the four other players who have had their own set of challenges to overcome. All roles should contribute to the outcome of a game, and we're committed to ensuring a jungler has the same potential (not more) as any other.

  • BONUS EXPERIENCE: Jungle monsters no longer give additional experience based on their level (to remain consistent with lane minion experience)

Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar


We initially changed Kha'Zix's isolation damage for Dominion / TT based on his old kit, but now that additional modifications have been made, we're going to revert to his new kit to get a better feel for the overall changes.

  • Q - Taste Their Fear / Evolved Enlarged Claws

Friend List

The Friend List should make it easy to see which of your friends are available to play with, but its feature set needed a little work. This patch's updates are aimed at facilitating how players use the Friend List, both to find individuals (search bar!) and to quickly check on their Friend Groups (which now contain offline members).

  • The Settings menu to the right of the "Friend List" bar has been expanded to include the following functionality:
    • Status message editing
    • Sort Friends options
    • (New) Show Offline Friends
  • The status message bar has been repurposed into a Friend List search tool
    • Your status message is now displayed alongside your Summoner Name at the top of your Friend List
  • Friend Groups can now be moved up and down through the right-click menu
  • Friend Groups now list offline members when "Show Offline Friends" is enabled
    • The "Offline" Friend Group has been removed
  • Players who haven't yet accepted your friend request will now appear as grayed out and offline under the General group when "Show Offline Friends" is enabled
  • "Sort Friends" and "Show Offline Friends" settings are now saved locally on your computer and will persist through logout

Team Rewards

We've added Team Rewards as a new class of rewards to further differentiate ranked team play from ranked solo play. Since ranked teams place a special focus on jolly cooperation, require more effort to coordinate, and embody the teamwork that defines League, we wanted players to have a way to commemorate and celebrate their success as part of a team.

  • New ranked team progression system: players earn points with every ranked team win toward unlocking and upgrading a Season 2014 ward skin, awarded at the end of the season
  • New Ranked Leagues profile page where players can compare their leagues, get more information about season rewards, and track their progress towards team rewards
  • Notifications will now appear in your profile tab and ranked team page if you do not have enough wins on your ranked team to be eligible for the rewards for that tier
  • Season rewards now include unique summoner icons based on tier achieved in 3s and 5s


Warding Totems will now use your selected Ward Skin! You can now proudly display your ward skin in game, even if you primarily rely on yellow trinkets to contribute to team vision (but you should totally be buying green and pink wards to help your poor support).

  • Ward skin selection is now applied to Warding Totem trinket wards
  • To maintain visual distinction from trinket wards, Stealth wards (including wards from Wriggle's Lantern and Feral Flare) have a new green circle indicator. Yellow trinket wards will continue to display the existing yellow circle indicator.

Skin Updates

In addition to Pentakill Karthus's VU, we've given texture updates to Pentakill Sona and Pentakill Mordekaiser. The entire Pentakill skin line also has a new team splash image. For metal.

  • Pentakill

Upcoming Skins

The following skin will be released during Patch 4.9:

  • Woad Scout Quinn
